TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR OWN LIFE But I am convinced that most of us do not really understand what that means. To most of us “independent” people, it has meant that we should get a job, earn enough money to support ourselves, and not depend on anyone else for our survival. That may or may not be part of it (I know many “dependent” people who understand the secret of taking responsibility for their experience of life), but it certainly doesn’t hit the heart of the issue, which is much bigger, yet more invisible, than that. What is the exactly take responsibility means here are some meaning with examples 1.> Taking responsibility means never blaming anyone else for anything you are being, doing, having, or feeling. “Never?” you say. “But this time it really is his fault” (or her fault, or the boss’s fault, or my son’s fault, or the economy’s fault, or my mother’s fault, or my father’s fault, or my friend’s fault!). “Really, it is!” If I missed anyo...